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Thread: High RMP's in N when engin is warmed up

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    AmishLand, PA.
    Quote Originally Posted by xb12-2've-fun View Post
    OK i will check you Replies lunaticfringe and Chicknstripn, really appreciated tour help. Just ordered a ECM cable and will download the programmeren to do some readings and verification of Idle speed. I am pretty dure that i did the leek test well.
    I have removed both scoopes as if i didn't i couldn't reach any of My inlets properly.

    @Chicknstripn I did find the idle scre on the left side so no prob for the small Confusion ;-).

    Will keep you posted guys!!

    when you get set-up with ecmspy and the cable verify that the bike is talking to your computer. when in the correct program you'll see a large tachometer in middle of screen surrounded by 4 smaller appearing gauges. when there do this:
    1-remove fusebox lid and remove the LIGHTS fuse. it eliminates the headlight from running down the battery.
    2-place a 5 amp charger on the battery if available. keeps battery fresh when running ecmspy.
    3-key to run switch to on....then blip throttle to confirm bike talking to computer. you'll see blue line at bottom of screen advance from left to right. that's your confirmation.
    4-check for trouble codes and clear them.
    5-reset your tps. if unsure how this is done see vid below OR post back for correct instructions.

  2. #12
    Hi all,

    I installed "EcmSpy for Mono" but getting the driver ERROR but no problem, I found the necessary links for updating the driver.
    I also took the installation guide with me for my windows 8 and the installation went automatically.
    Device manager screen.jpg
    What I am assuming that if it went automatically, I do not need to do 3.2 and 3.3 of the installation guide?
    Maybe I need to do the 3.3 but I am not sure and also I don't have the setup file in my download as show on page 17 of 28 of the installation guide.
    I only have a compressed folder which I unpacked but not containing any setup exe-file.
    CDM setup not in my downloads.jpg

    Am I doing something wrong during installation?
    My ECP is still opening with driver ERROR so I assume installation of drivers is not complete.

    Thanks in advance guys

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by rchuff View Post
    Check manifold gaskets for leak. You can spray carb cleaner on manifold at head and if change in rpm's you found your problem. As far as your engine light you should get ECMSPY so you can find out why the light is coming on.
    Can this also be the cause of the high RPM's which I described above?
    I opened a new thread as I found a oil leak at my rear cylinder.

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