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Thread: ignition issue

  1. #11
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Crawling up your skirt
    If the draw does not change when you unplug the component, that component is not the draw

    Us the wiring diagram Lunatic so helpfully gave you to unplug each component on the diagram tracing just past the ignition fuse you pull. Do them in order, and you will find the bad component.

    I'm just repeating what Lunatic said in a different way, but you get the idea right? If you can disconnect every (and triple check that) component in the ignition circuit and the draw stays a .68A then you get to look for pinched of chaffed wiring which is not nearly as fun

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    intend on doing such when I have time available to me. having a crappy time with work having me come in on days off to get things done. just hoping to not have to strip down/out the main wire harness to find this damn gremlin that is making my day with my bike

  3. #13
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Crawling up your skirt
    The draw is so small, A battery tender should keep the bike available for you to ride.

    Removing the harness is a bit drastic for whats going on now! Just proceed in a predictable systematic way and the problem will show itself. Its a small haystack, one piece of hay at a time and you'll find the needle, if you scoop out handfuls you'll have to be lucky to find it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013
    alrighty, so finally, yes i know, getting around to tearing a little bit into my bike, and well ive decided to let her be with the draw and just keep her on a tender when in my garage and have a jump pack at work just in case... appreciate the help on this

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