I have a nice Buell Ulysses and have been keeping my eye out for a 1125CR. I know these are rare but like what I read and wanted to try the Rotax motor and love Buells. Well one popped up local. Original owner, loaded with all the upgrades, nice farkles and was obviously loved. The seller was a super cool guy and was very happy it was going to someone who knew Buell and would love it.
As it is raining hard here in the Portland OR area and the Virus lockdown I could not contain myself and trailer'ed it 100 miles east out to the dez this weekend and had my way with it. Before you tell me how selfish and wrong it is to be riding at this time I took a lunch, and only made one stop at a unmanned gas station in the middle of no where and used rubber gloves. Zero interaction with people other than my friend who I see all the time.
This bike is all I had hoped it would be from reading the reviews:
- Motor is really nice. I was in fear of it because of just sampling a 2020 1290 duke and that bike is too fast. This one pulls hard but is very docile and easy to deal with. Yes, fast, no scary. LOVE it.
- Clutch and trans are like butter. I have owned over 200 bikes of all kinds (lots of dirt bikes as well) and the only other bike with as nice a trans and clutch is the KTM790R with the speed shifter. The belt makes it all that more smooth.
- Handling is ridiculous. Think about where you want to be in your lane and you are there. Quick yet VERY stable. Perfect for me.
- Brakes, love the front. I like the lack of initial bite some complain about. Feels very progressive and controllable to me. The 1290 duke had a lot of initial bite (new bike too) and you had to remember or it might put you on your ass. The rear is typical Buell rear brake, zero feel, little real stopping power. Didn't really care ha ha ha.
- Ergos. Cramped and bars to low but surprisingly knocked out 240 miles without really feeling it. Higher speeds are better. Sweet spot at about 70 and up.

As it is raining hard here in the Portland OR area and the Virus lockdown I could not contain myself and trailer'ed it 100 miles east out to the dez this weekend and had my way with it. Before you tell me how selfish and wrong it is to be riding at this time I took a lunch, and only made one stop at a unmanned gas station in the middle of no where and used rubber gloves. Zero interaction with people other than my friend who I see all the time.
This bike is all I had hoped it would be from reading the reviews:
- Motor is really nice. I was in fear of it because of just sampling a 2020 1290 duke and that bike is too fast. This one pulls hard but is very docile and easy to deal with. Yes, fast, no scary. LOVE it.
- Clutch and trans are like butter. I have owned over 200 bikes of all kinds (lots of dirt bikes as well) and the only other bike with as nice a trans and clutch is the KTM790R with the speed shifter. The belt makes it all that more smooth.
- Handling is ridiculous. Think about where you want to be in your lane and you are there. Quick yet VERY stable. Perfect for me.
- Brakes, love the front. I like the lack of initial bite some complain about. Feels very progressive and controllable to me. The 1290 duke had a lot of initial bite (new bike too) and you had to remember or it might put you on your ass. The rear is typical Buell rear brake, zero feel, little real stopping power. Didn't really care ha ha ha.
- Ergos. Cramped and bars to low but surprisingly knocked out 240 miles without really feeling it. Higher speeds are better. Sweet spot at about 70 and up.