Originally Posted by
No mill necessary. Yes, a little geometry should be used to mark the 2 shoulders you'll remove. Use the centerline(halfway between the 2 holes) as the pivot point and rotate a line from that point and the center of the hole to where it rotates approx. 2 to 3mm outside the hole. This will be the apex of your 3/8" diameter ream. As Barrrett mentioned, bottom of front hole, and top of rear hole. I understand it can be difficult to understand my layman explanation of this, but hope you get it.
It's aluminum, not SS, so I just used a fresh 3/8" bit and VS cordless drill and took my time. Use a little thread cutting oil and pressure towards the apex. Secure in padded vise, and stay plumb and square to the face by eye(close enough if you have a good eye). Test fit, lather and repeat until you get your perfect fit to slide on the studs cleanly. If you think this is hacking then perhaps you can get a machinist to do it for you. But you should make the marks for them, otherwise he or she will fluck it up. And you may still need to return for a slight trim, unless you can leave the bike there for them to test fit. I did this in conjunction with my (3)wheel bearing replacement procedure. carpe diem!