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Thread: Foot Pegs

  1. #1

    Question Foot Pegs

    I've got a 2004 XB9S. I had my knees replaced and now I've discovered that my knees don't care to bend that much. I've added to the seat thickness but I'm starting to feel like it's a long reach to the ground. Is it possible, if I could even find them, to install some Uly foot pegs?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
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    Crawling up your skirt
    For the pad width? Height?

    I have a beautiful black set if you're interested?

  3. #3
    Basically I need the foot pegs closer to the ground. I bought some aftermarket pegs that are 1in lower than stock but I would like them to be lower still. On the Uly is the frame mount lower or is just the foot peg itself that is lower? I am interested.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
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    Crawling up your skirt
    Buell offered both 1" and 2" drop pegs for XB series bikes where the foot peg itself is the same as you have now. I don't have any of those I'd let go of but I have a set of the lower Uly drop pegs as well as some very trick, very expensive new Knight Design 2" drop billet ones for XB's.
    Heres an example of the OE drop pegs, they look like the 1" ones to me but I could be wrong. You can search the part number better to be sure.

    You'll have to adjust both the brake and shifter to match a change that big, of course. Plenty of options so you just need to choose if you'd like a 2" drop in the thin sport bike style or more of a wide perch for your foot.

  5. #5
    Got on the Knight Design website but did see lowered foot pegs. It's like they have a part number but no part. How much for the pegs you do have?
    Last edited by miatamarty; 02-08-2024 at 02:17 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    I have a set of Ulysses peg mounts I'm selling on the cheap. I will have to go out and see just how much lower they are from stock.
    They will bolt up to an XB frame, but they are kind of weird as the rider pegs and pass pegs attach to the same piece, as opposed to different pieces on a Lightning/Firebolt.

  7. #7
    I'm most definitely interested in the mounting brackets. I have a set of stock foot pegs. I was even briefly contemplating selling the Lightening and buying a Ulysses because of the riding position. Had friend who did that, but I really like my Lightning. Plus I really don't want to go through the hassle of buying and selling.
    Last edited by miatamarty; 02-10-2024 at 02:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    Wow! I wouldn’t have guessed this!
    Almost 3” lower!



  9. #9
    Could be an interesting project. How much $ ?

  10. #10
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    Let me see if I can find the drop bracket and longer extended shift linkage to go in the kit.

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