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Thread: 2009 Buell XB12SCG, Runs rough when warm

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024
    So looking at the data log file, the only weird thing im noticing is that the 02 sensor reading goes up pretty gradually until about.684 volts and then it becomes erratic, this is also when "EGO Corr" PID also begins to show up on the graph. From what ive read, the EGO is the bike making temporary fuel adjustments based off the 02 sensor while in closed loop.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
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    AmishLand, PA
    Hesitant to recommend considering O2 replacement as this typically results in something along the lines of "Replaced O2 sensor as Barrett recommended and STILL NO CHANGE."

    The amount of Applied Fuel Values cross-checking extraordinarily low and I've never seen generated voltage exceed the 0.565V range. Sure has the appearance of a failed O2 sensor.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barrett View Post
    Hesitant to recommend considering O2 replacement as this typically results in something along the lines of "Replaced O2 sensor as Barrett recommended and STILL NO CHANGE."
    I will replace the 02 sensor and if the problem is not fixed i will find a bus to throw you under :P totally joking btw.

    I was told the 02 sensor has already been replaced but whose to say that is true or if it was even replaced with the correct part. Is it not weird that the 02 sensor voltage just gradually increases? Or is this typical with the bike warming up? Should the 02 sensor not stay relatively steady with the ECM continuously adjusting the injectors, spark and IAC ?

    Also to your failing ECM reply earlier, we are in talks of sending the ECM to IDS to program a different map aswell as test the ECM.
    Last edited by SU8ZERO; 09-15-2024 at 11:36 PM.

  4. #14
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    Well, the bike still runs pretty bad. We had IDS put a good map onto the ECM and test the ECM, they said it was fine. We have also cleaned all of the grounds and swapped the O2 senser to a known good sensor. It is very odd, the bike will run well when it feels like and then out of nowhere the IDLE will drop, sometimes it does, sometimes it will come back up.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
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    Has the the characteristics of fuel flow problems.

    Remove the air box cover...air box lid and base plate...then check both injector wiring harnesses for chafing and fraying at any area where it appears they may be rubbing against metal.

    Consider removing the fuel pump for a thorough check-out and probably simple rebuild.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Ive had the bike running with a fuel gauge on the line right before it connects to the injectors, stays at 49psi, doesnt even move.(its actually impressive)
    With a node light ive checked the injectors pulse aswell as visually inspected the wiring, no issues found. When the bike acts up, it smells very rich, when i check the injectors with a inspection mirror, they are dry.
    Sprayed all over the intake with started fluid, no rpm change.
    Im curious if the bike is making itself rich or is it just not combusting the fuel?
    I also want to cry but thats besides the point.

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